Bits-Land Non-Fungible Token Market is the Place to Buy These Assets

Aurelian Dragomir
4 min readFeb 1, 2022

Bits-land — This is a ‘buyer beware’ situation and investors need to do their homework carefully. But bits-land is a potential marketplace where anyone can get these tokens, so hopefully it will be possible to have clear research on each ones, as well as aggregated market prices.

You can buy these assets on the Bits-Land non-fungible token market, as the first location to buy a coin is a wallet. For this purchase, you’ll need crypto or some other form of crypto. To conduct these purchases, many individuals utilize Trust Wallet, a mobile wallet that supports various blockchains. Because Ethereum and BSC have transaction fees, you’ll have to put up some of your own money to use them.

There are non-fungible tokens, which are digital valuables that can’t be traded. Non-fungible tokens have something in common. Because of their rarity and scarcity, they have a higher market value. In spite of their higher price, they are still cheaper than traditional gold or silver. Bits-Land NFTs are commonly used in digital collectibles, such as paintings and other forms of visual media.

Non-fungible tokens, on the other hand, are rare and precious collectibles that cannot be simply replicated, unlike fungible tokens. A collage of Beeple’s artwork was recently sold for $69 million at auction, making it the third most expensive piece of art ever sold. Axie Infinity is the most popular non-feudal video game. In the third quarter of 2021, it had the biggest trade volume of any video game ever. It was worth over $2 billion.

The Bits-Land tokens are a new type of cryptocurrency. These tokens, unlike traditional currency, cannot be simply replicated. As a result, the tokens are highly sought after as mementos. Cryptocurrencies are a well-known example of this sort of currency. Bitcoin and Ether are two examples of cryptocurrency-based coinage. If you’re interested in buying them, there are a number of NFT marketplaces where you can do so.

However, despite their lack of interchangeability, non-fungible tokens can be desirable crypto-collection items because of their rarity. A non-financial instrument (NFI) with ties to Twitter fetched $2.9 million. At the time of its initial sale, it was the fifth most valuable NFT in history. During November, the Twitter-Land NFT was the twenty-ninth most costly. Its construction of a digital currency was an outstanding demonstration of its potential utility.

It is impossible to re-create Bits Land non-fungible tokens. As a result, they’re in high demand as a kind of art. The Bits-Land NFT is an excellent example of a token that is non-fungible. However, despite its analogue name, it is actually a digital currency. Although there are no monetary restrictions on Bitcoin, it can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.

It is becoming increasingly fashionable to utilize non-fungible tokens as an alternative to fiat currency. There are several advantages to using these tokens over cryptocurrencies, and they can be used to make payments as well. Although they can be traded easily, they lack fiat value. Bits-Land non-fungible tokens can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies and received instantaneously by anyone looking to buy or sell them.

The use of non-fungible tokens differs greatly from the use of fiat currency. They can’t be split up because they’re all one. The token itself is the fundamental unit of a non-fungible token. A bitcoin NFT is an excellent choice for both trading and collecting. Bitcoin is neither a fiat currency nor a fungible currency. It’s a good way to put money into digital art, too.

Tokens that aren’t fungible have no intrinsic worth, making them unusable as a medium of exchange. As physical objects, they cannot be replicated, like computer files. This makes them extremely valuable. As an example, the first tweet ever tweeted by Jack Dorsey sold for $2.9 million. The first tweet from a well-known Twitter user was valued at almost $5 million.

Investing in the virtual world using non-fungible tokens is a terrific method to gain access to a decentralized virtual reality platform. They’re like cryptocurrencies, but they can’t be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies. As a result, they may be useless in the long run, but for the most part, they are a bad investment. The digital collectibles industry may even find them to be the ideal solution.

Bits-Land Features

Smart Contracts Hooks are small, efficient WebAssembly modules projected specifically for the operation in different networks

Non-Fungible Tokens Low fees, faster transactions, and custom token functionality make token the ideally suited for building an ecosystem for NFTs.

Sidechains Extend, experiment, and specialize a custom sidechain based on platform proven blockchain technology.

Bits-Land Platfom

Bits-Land is a decentralized, public blockchain platform by a global developer community

Decentralized Exchange
Cross-Currency Payments
Payment Chanel

Tokenomics Information

Token name: Bits-Land
Ticker Symbol: BTSLND
Starting Price: 67343 = 1 ETH
Block type: Proof of Stake
Block size: 2 MB
Minimum Confirm: 6 Confirms
Pre-Swap amount: 86 Billion
Post-Swap amount: 86 Million (ratio 1000:1)

In related news, Bits-Land Non-Fungible Token Market enables users to buy digital assets for the first time. The platform offers a great deal of unique digital assets for purchase.

This is why, the market is designed to give access to all interested parties in order to build a community and deliver better value to each user. Recently, Bits-Land introduced its Mobile Application. All Bits-Land services are now available on the go, meeting all needs of users, visit web.


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Author Article Abount Bits-Land:

Bitcointalk Username: Aurelian Dragomir

Telegram User on Group Bits-Land: @aureliandragomir


Wallet: 0x284470D09ea4d039a3A3dF4Cf1566735aC69545F

